Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Terrible effects of eating meat on christmas day.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) and several national dietary advice bodies around the world have recently recommended a reduction in the consumption of red and processed meats, based on consistent evidence that links highly processed meat with colorectal cancer in particular.
While there is a body of evidence that suggests the association between red meat consumption, there is a paucity of evidence to link the intake of poultry meat and the incidence of major non-cancerous health outcomes.
Beyond Red Meat & Colorectal Cancer: New Associations Between Poultry And A Range Of Diseases
More recent findings from a study using 474,985 middle-aged adults recruited to the UK Biobank study between 2006 and 2010 have analyzed meat consumption more widely, and its association with 25 common conditions. this recent study is important as it examines associations of meat intake with conditions other than the commonly cited colorectal cancer.
These findings, which were published in BMC Medicine, found that on average, participants reporting regular consumption of meat (defined as three or more times per week) experienced more adverse health consequences compared to those who consumed meat less regularly.