Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Tag: Rick Parry

Premier League clubs heading to court over Man Utd and Liverpool

Premier League clubs heading to court over Man Utd and Liverpool

A meeting of the top-flight's shareholders this week is set to be a fiery affair, amid the attempted power grab from Manchester United and Liverpool Premier League clubs could be set to take the Big Six to court over Project Big Picture. EFL chairman Rick Parry A specially-convened meeting of the top flight’s shareholders is expected to be a fiery affair this week over plans condemned as a power grab by the group led by Manchester United and Liverpool. Chief among the concerns is the fear that the Premier League’s top foreign owners want to prevent any threat to their domination - in return for bailing out the cash-strapped EFL. One club source told Mirror Sport: “They will just vote for more and more for themselves over time. “It’s rich, fore...