Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Tag: Pope Francis

US Joins Uganda to Co-sponsor a Non-binding International Declaration Opposing Abortion

US Joins Uganda to Co-sponsor a Non-binding International Declaration Opposing Abortion

FEATURED, Health, Latest News
 The United States joined Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia and Uganda on Thursday to co-sponsor a nonbinding international declaration opposing abortion, in a rebuke of the UN Human Rights Council, which has enshrined abortion access as a universal right. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar participated in the virtual signing ceremony. The Geneva Consensus Declaration aims to promote women's health, "defends the unborn and reiterates the vital importance of the family," Pompeo said at the ceremony. Access to abortion is widely restricted in the other countries to co-sponsor the declaration. "There is no international right to abortion," Pompeo said. Though the document does not directly address same-sex marriage, the only co-spon...
Shock As Pope Francis Endorses Gay Marriages

Shock As Pope Francis Endorses Gay Marriages

By Our Reporter Pope Francis has said that he thinks gay couples should be allowed to have "civil unions". He made the comments, which observers say are his clearest remarks yet on gay relationships, in a documentary directed by Evgeny Afineevsky. "Homosexual people have a right to be in a family," he said in the film, which premiered on Wednesday. "They are children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or made miserable over it. "What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered." He added that he "stood up for that", apparently referring to his time as Archbishop of Buenos Aires when, although opposing same-sex marriages in law, he supported some legal protections for same-sex couples. The film Francesco, ...
‘Sex And Food Are Divine Pleasures From God’-Pope Francis

‘Sex And Food Are Divine Pleasures From God’-Pope Francis

By Our Reporter Pope Francis has praised sex and good food as 'divine' pleasures that 'come directly from God to  be enjoyed by man. He said there was no place for an 'overzealous morality' that denies pleasure, admitting this was something that existed in the church in the past. Pope Francis said that the pleasures of a well-cooked meal or loving sexual intercourse are 'divine' in a newly-published book of interviews. He believes they have unjustly fallen victim to 'overzealousness' on the part of the Catholic Church in the past. 'Pleasure arrives directly from God, it is neither Catholic, nor Christian, nor anything else, it is simply divine,' the Pope told Italian writer Carlo Petrini. Pope Francis said that the pleasures of a well-cooked meal or loving sexual ...