Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Tag: Norbert Mao

29 Presidential Candidates  Battle For Museveni Seat Come 2021

29 Presidential Candidates Battle For Museveni Seat Come 2021

By Keefa Nuwahereza The Electoral Commission  reveals that so far, at least 29 presidential aspirants have declared intentions to run for president in 2021 polls against President Yoweri Museveni. Few of the aspirants are publicly known with the most recognisable faces being Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine (MP for Kyadondo East), Lt Gen Henry Tumukunde (former security minister), Elton John Mabirizi, Norbert Mao (DP President), Maureen Kyala, Moses Byamugisha, Ruhinda Maguru, Darlen Kamusiime, Grace Kabarungi, Joseph Kabuleta, Charles Rwomushana, Mugisha Muntu among others. However, more and bigger names are expected in the race as political parties have not yet convened their national delegates’ conferences to elect their presidential flag bearers. While Bobi Wine has already...
Democratic Party Dies Natural Death As Fights  Between Mao, MP Ssegona Escalate

Democratic Party Dies Natural Death As Fights Between Mao, MP Ssegona Escalate

By Keefa Nuwahereza One of Uganda’s legendary political parties, the Democratic Party (DP), is at the verge of collapsing, after being ravaged by internal wrangles that have since seen the party leader Norbert Mao fire stalwarts Medard Lubega Ssegona and Matia Lwanga Bwanika, after developing   irreconcilable differences with them. Mao fell out with Ssegona and Lwanga a few months back and decided to eject them from DP without following the Party’s constitution, something that has since created a standoff between him and them. This Website has established that following the fallout, Mao has since started spreading notices about their firing by circulating the same on social media and local dailies. One of the notices that have been reportedly circulated by Mao’s camp, drafted ...