Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Tag: Dr Kiiza Besigye

Scientific Elections: Opposition Throwing Away Huge Opportunity

Scientific Elections: Opposition Throwing Away Huge Opportunity

 By Patrick Odongo Lango Many new political parties that sprung up to ride on the democratisation waves that swept the world in the late 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, invariably had a single agenda: to end one party rule and dictatorship. Those who succeeded, like in Zambia, Kenya and Ghana, to mention but three, changed their fortunes forever; but those who failed, like in Zimbabwe, Uganda and Tanzania, have been struggling to stay alive. That is the risk that all one-issue agenda parties face; lacking ideological coherence to define broad policy agenda; once their single objective eludes them for long, their members get disillusioned, they fragment and diminish. In contrast, parties with clear ideological moorings and broad policy agenda tend to be more resilient and adapt...