Friday, July 26News That Matters

Tag: British palace

The African King who was on a Mission to Bankrupt Britain over War Crimes

The African King who was on a Mission to Bankrupt Britain over War Crimes

By MILDRED EUROPA TAYLOR In 2007 when Solomon Gafabusa Iguru, the Omukama or king of Bunyoro kingdom of western Uganda was invited to a banquet organized by the State to honor Queen Elizabeth II when she arrives in the country for Commonwealth, Iguru refused. The king had asked the government to organize a private meeting between him and the Queen, but that had not materialized. Three years prior to this, Iguru had sued the UK for “alleged atrocities committed by its soldiers during the colonial period,” demanding £3trillion (then $5,500bn) from the British monarchy. “The British burned down houses, destroyed crops and introduced syphilis to my people,” Iguru was quoted by The Telegraph. “They were responsible for the deaths of 2.4 million people. Moreo...