Friday, July 26News That Matters

Tag: Barrack Obama

Opinion: Why Would Biden Pick A Human Lightning Rod As VP?

Opinion: Why Would Biden Pick A Human Lightning Rod As VP?

By Dana Milbank Last October, former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice, now being mentioned as a possible running mate for Joe Biden, was on the popular podcast “Pod Save America,” when another former Obama administration official, Tommy Vietor, shared his belief that high-ranking Republican Sen. Lindsey O. Graham of South Carolina is a long-standing specimen of excrement. “He’s been a piece of s---,” Rice concurred. “I said it. I said it, finally, dammit. He’s a piece of s---.” She smiled at the camera. Ladies and gentlemen, the vice president of the United States? If Biden is actually considering Rice for the job — I suspect the boomlet is more about building her profile for another future post — it would be a costly mistake. Don’t get me wrong. Biden would b...