Saturday, July 27News That Matters

State House Unlawfully Returns Already Compensated Residents On Investor’s Land – Investor

The state house Land protection unit under the directive of President Yoweri Museveni, intervened in the disputed land between investor Jonathan Wright and the residents of Buziranjovu village in Nakisunga sub county, Mukono district.
This follows numerous running battles between tenants and the private security guards over the land which has lasted for 14 years and two people have so far lost their lives in the matter.
And this prompted the state house team led by Mariam Namayanja, the private secretary to the president on land matters, to go on the land.
But on their way to Buziranjovu village they were, blocked from accessing the land by the private security guards of Jonathan, questioning them why they accessing the land, a thing that angered the team from the president’s office
At a meeting held at contested land, the affected residents narrated that they were being stopped from digging on this land, stopped from receiving visitors and also constructing permanent houses.
They wondered if Buziranjovu is in Uganda because for people to access the area they must record the reason why they are going to the village and the time they are coming back.
Anatooli Seruwagi one the residents said that he was gruesomely arrested on orders of Jonathan and drowned in the swamp forced to drink dirty water later Jailed all this was done on orders of Jonathan.
“Maama, one day I was riding my sack of charcoal when the security guards stopped and started beating me up, when I opted to open the case the police refused to record my statement” said Seruwagi.
The LC III chairman Nakisunga sub county Sekiikuubo Mubaraka narrated to the land department that, as a sub county they have not been able to deliver services to the people because of the roadblock.
“Madam Namayanja, as a sub county we gave out with service delivery to these people, the sub county veterinary doctor was stopped from accessing Buziranjovu by security guards saying there are no animals in the village” said the LC 3 chairperson.
Sekiikuubo adds that recently the covid covid 19 vaccination team was also denied access to the village, maize seed were stopped from entering, and lastly services like road maintenance have never happened.
In retaliation, investor Jonathan Wright said that he lawfully bought the Buziranjovu mailo land in the year 2006 from the late Wilfred Kabuusu son to Kabaka Chwa regent Stanslas Mugwanywa in 2006,
Jonathan said that he used 1.4 billion, compensating over 240 bibanga occupants and some had started to vacate the land to pave way for the investor’s developments.
“I bought this land with integrity to develop projects here that will benefit Ugandans and I have never evicted anyone” said Jonathan.
Jonathan revealed that trouble came when one, Major Moses Ssegujja came on the land and incited the already paid people to get back on their bibanjas, since then they started cutting down on his trees destroying his fences.
“Major Seggujja came using the government vehicle, conducted meetings with the residents and started confusing the already paid people to come back to their bibanja” Jonathan.
Namayanja read the president’s directive that ordered the private security guards on the main gate to withdraw with immediate effect and be taken to the investor’s premises, a thing that led the residents into jubilations.
“President Museveni has also advised Jonathan to change the Buziranjovu development company name because it’s image is tainted” Namayanja reads.
However, Counsel Ssekandi Gonza on behalf of the investor protested the directive saying that they were not notified and state house will be answerable for acting against the status quo.
“There is an order from the court directing both parties to maintain the status quo but the team from the state house has illegally changed it and things are done that way” Sekandi Said.
The state house land protection unit has pitched camped in Mukono district for two weeks to address issues in regards to Land in the area.=

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