Friday, July 26News That Matters

Speaker Among resumes work after long maternity leave.

Speaker of Parliament Anita Annet Among is back to business after quite along time on maternity leave.
Anita took it to her X , formerly Twitter on Monday 6th November, 2023 to announce her comeback amid a warm reception from her colleagues and staff at Parliament and also revealed that during her leave God blessed her with lovely twin boys.
Annet Among kept herself from public appearance and from Parliament sittings a few months ago , which left many wondering her next step.
Later , rumors had it that she was actually pregnant and expecting to give birth to Moses Magogo’s baby.
However, on October 23,2023 ,the deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa broke the news of Anita Among’s delivery of twins making the reason for her unannounced leave clear to the nation.
Speaker Anita Among expressed her gratitude for Thomas Tayebwa, who stood in for her while she was on leave, and thanked all those that prayed for her and showered her with love upon hearing the news of her successful delivery.
Among’s twins are fathered by Budiope East legislator and FUFA president Moses Hassim Magogo, to whom she got married in August 2022 in private wedding.