Saturday, July 27News That Matters

President Kagame On Cloud 9 After Daughter Ange Drops Tot

By Our Reporter

Rwandan President Paul Kagame is elated after his  only daughter, Ange  Kagame, gave birth on Monday.

On receiving the good news, President Kagame expressed his happiness by tweeting thus; “Since yesterday we are very happily and ‘officially’ grand parents. Congratulations A&B!! What a joy!?”

However, Kagame did not reveal the baby’s gender.

Ange tied the knot with the love of her life, Bertrand Ndengeyingoma in July last year.

Ange Kagame and Billy

Ange’s church marriage ceremony was private and took place at Intare Conference Arena in Kabuga Town, Rwanda.

In 2018, the couple held  a traditional wedding ceremony known as Gusaba.

The ceremony was held in the President’s rural home in Ntebe near Lake Muhazi and was attended by family and close friends only.

Ange  and Billy  on  June 8 last year exchanged vows in a civil wedding at Kigali City Council offices.

A civil wedding is a nonreligious, legal marriage ceremony presided over by an authorised official. It takes place without any religious affiliation and meets the legal requirements of the state or location of the wedding.

However, a religious wedding is the way many couples choose to begin their lives together as man and wife. Whether Christian or Muslim, many couples feel that a religious wedding adds more meaning to the day.

Bertrand aka ‘Billy’, is a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), trained urban planner and architect. He is currently a PhD candidate at the London School of Economics and works with Bank of Rwanda.

Ange studied political science at Smith College in Massachusetts.

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