Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Police officer shoots UPDF soldier dead after seeing him with his girlfriend.

Police in Mbarara have arrested Police Constable Opio Charles, following his involvement in the fatal shooting of Turyamureba Yeremiah, a UPDF officer attached to Ruhengyere Engineering Brigade in Kiruhura. The incident occurred due to a dispute over a woman.
Fred Enanga, the police spokesperson, stated that the tragic event stemmed from a crime of passion, with Opio allegedly harbouring resentment after witnessing the Turyamureba interact with his girlfriend and taking selfies earlier in the day on May 19.
Once more, around 6pm, Opio found his girlfriend with Turyamureba. In a fateful moment, he fired a bullet into the victim’s chest, resulting in immediate death.
The Police swiftly arrested the suspect and recovered the firearm used in the crime.
Enanga highlighted that there has been an upsurge in such senseless shootings over the past two months, often arising from minor conflicts and disputes.
He said that the concerning trend indicates growing desperation among individuals.
“Various factors, including domestic violence, personal arguments, financial struggles, emotional instability, jealousy, and mental health issues, contribute to these regrettable incidents,” he said.

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