Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Police arrest 11 advocaters in protest against corruption.

Police in Kampala have confirmed arrest of 11 activists that were demonstrating against corruption and the iron sheets scandal involving top government officials.
The group identified as the Torture Survivors Movement UG group staged the demonstration in downtown Kampala after morning downpour.
Protesting activists carried iron sheets demanding the government to give justice to the vulnerable people of the Karamojong sub region who were the intended beneficiaries of the iron sheets scandalously shared amongst some government officials including ministers.
Police fired tear gas to disperse the protesters around noon on Tuesday.
The Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson Patrick Onyango told our reporter that this was a group of unruly youth who mobilized themselves and staged a violent demonstration in the capital city.
According to police, the group assaulted their officers including the in charge Mini Price police Post Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Rutagira Musiimenta.
“Their protest is uncalled for since the President Museveni had handled the issue by directing investigation into the matter.” Mr Onyango said.

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