Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Oyam north by-election to cost Shs900m.

The Electoral Commission (EC) has announced that the upcoming Oyam North County by-election on July 6, 2023, will cost Shs900 million. The EC Chairman, Justice Simon Byabakama Mugenyi, revealed the electoral roadmap during a meeting with key stakeholders in Oyam Town Council on Thursday.
The by-election was declared after the Clerk of Parliament notified the EC on May 8 that the Oyam North parliamentary seat was vacant following the death of Col (Rtd) Charles Okello Engola, who was killed by his own bodyguard on May 2.
Justice Byabakama emphasized that the law requires the EC to fill a parliamentary vacancy within 60 days of receiving notification from the Clerk to Parliament. Attendees at the meeting included LC1 chairpersons from over 600 villages in Oyam North, LC3 chairpersons, police, political party leaders, and religious leaders.
Justice Byabakama also announced that the Commission has banned fundraising during the election period in Oyam North, as it could be seen as a form of voter bribery. He warned individuals from other areas who plan to drum up support for candidates to refrain from violence, as the EC wants a peaceful election. The Commission is committed to ensuring a fair and transparent by-election in Oyam North.

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