Friday, July 26News That Matters

NRM supporters send message to President Museveni.

The National Resistance Movement (NRM) supporters, who were led by Rubaga Deputy Resident City Commissioner RCC Anderson Burora and Kampala Central LC3 chairperson Salim Uhuru,were not allowed to enter State House in Nakasero.
They instead placed flowers at the gate,prayed for the President and erected a banner on the perimeter wall where his supporters wrote get well soon messages.
Mr Uhuru said he had never seen the President fall sick and be away from duty.’’It is the first time but all in all, It is just the solidarity we have as Ugandans to wish him a quick recovery and we very well know the President has been on the forefront in fighting Covid-19,’’Mr.Uhuru said.
He added:’’He has taken all the precautions to see that he does not get Covid-19 but because of the engagements he has been having,meeting people here,he is with Covid -19.
Mr.Burora called upon all well-wishers to express their sympathy and gratitude towards the President,saying it is African culture to always visit the sick.
‘’He (President) has been updating us on the situation and progress of his recovery and with that,the public is welcome to come and express its sympathy,they can bring flowers,cards,’’ he said.On Saturday ,President Museveni said he had been confined to home for three days.’’The coronavirus,by domesticating me, is helping me to catch up with my paper work.The symptoms are more mild than yesterday.
In the night,slight throbbing (enkuratima) in the ruhoorahoore area of the head.This is the part of the head that has agap in children.Also,some slight roughness on the throat,’’the President wrote on his Twitter handle.
He added:’’Otherwise,I am even tempted to do my push-ups,but common sense reminds me not to disturb the bio-chemistry of the body where the war with the enemy (the virus) is going on with additional strains on the body.’’
He cautioned his NRN cadres and followers to continue to understand the importance of robust health.
‘’I always avoid factors that can cause ill-health, not because I fear being sick but because I detest missing the struggle for Africa’s freedom,’’Museveni said.
The President added that he was not bedridden.’’I missed Heroes day yesterday (Friday),where our daughter (Robinah Nabbanja ,the Prime Minister) did a great job; I could not meet the guests I had invited from UAE (United Arab Emirates ) and I have cancelled my plan to go to Kisozi tomorrow to supervise the half-yearly de-worming of my cattle,’’he twitted.
The Head of State thanked his supporters who have been taking flowers to State House as they wished him quick recovery.
He also revealed that his wife, Janet Museveni was tested for Covid -19 on june 7 and the results returned negative.

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