Saturday, July 27News That Matters

New Vision magical Christmas campaign winners tours kabale .

Winners of the New Vision magical Christmas campaign have been delighted by their experience at Lake Bunyonyi ni Kabale district.
Three couples had an unforgettable time during their two- night stay at Bunyonyi Overland Resort, a highly recommended destination on Africa’s second deepest lake.
One of the memorable moments of the trip was an evening gathering around a fireplace, where every winner had the opportunity to socialize with fellow tourists.
The trip, categories as full board, included delectable meals, and the winner engaging in various activities such as volleyball, chess, and other board games.
The guests explored the renovated structure, adorned with historical photos, providing a visual narrative to the story.
Despite once covering an area of three acres, the island is gradually disappearing, with only few trees and a small patch of grassland remaining.
Locals attribute its vanishing to the lingering spirits of its dark past.
The guests also had the opportunity to visit Bwama Island, commonly known as Leper’s Island, where Dr.Sharp establishedBwama Leprosy Hospital, a voluntary isolation cetre for individuals afflicted with leprosy in the early 1920s.
Leprosy, being highly stigmatized, contagious and difficult to treat at the time, involved a painful series of oil injections administered over several months.
Winners speak out.
Abel Kawere , from Mukono and among the triumphant winners, shared that his enthusiastic reading of both New vision and Bukedde pappers led him to discover coupons offering a chance for a Kabale getway.
Diligenty, he filled and submitted these coupons daily. Kawere expressed his admiration for the refreshing climate in Kabale and the breathtaking landscapes surrounding Lake Bunyonyi . “ I diligently completed and submitted these captivating coupons every day .When I received that exhilarating call confirming my victory , it was undeniably the most thrilling moment.
Opting to embark on this journey with my beloved, I aimed to provide her with a honeymoon-like escapade, anticipating countless joyous moments a head in our shared future.” Conveyed Kawere.
Tom Brandon, an engineer at Davis & Shirtliff Uganda, seized his chance as their company receives New vision daily. One day, while perusing through the newspaper, ha chanced a coupon offering the prospect of winning a Christmas getway to Kabale . After filling out the initial coupon, Brandon continuedto participate by consistently completing and submitting coupons at New vision offices.
Making this dream trip a reality. Some thought Iwas jestnijg until the moment I announced my victory .Iam thrilled th et my lpersisent efforts have indeed come to fruition, Brandon said.
As a newcomer to Kigezi , he found great enthusiasm in exploring the numerous geographical and physical features that the region had to offer .”To begin with, the journey spanned over 7 hours, a road trip of unprecedented length for me. It turned out to be a truly enchanting experience.
The expansive hills and distinctive roads futher enhanced the joy of the entire excursion,”shared Brandon with a smile.
He closed to share this exhilarating tour with his sister and two crafted unforgettable memories together.