Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Mukono High Court Dismisses Nakwede’s Petition, Sparking Fighting at Court.

The High Court in Mukono has dismissed the case in which Ms. Harriet Nakwedde petitioned court protesting the victory of Andrew Muwonge in Kayunga LC 5 by-elections.

In the due process of the case hearing the lawyers of Andrew Muwonge led by Oscar Kihika hastily objected Nakedde’s petition asking court to dismiss the case on grounds that Ms. Nakwedde served his client when the stipulated time of seven days are over which contrary to the local government and parliamentary election act.

Justice Margaret Iyikiti the Deputy high court registrar ruled in favour of Muwonge that he is the lawful chairman elect of Kayunga District and Ms. Nakwede is free to appeal if she feels dissatisfied with the ruling.

Her decision sparked a war of words towards the Kayunga returning officer Jennifer Kobutungi as they pelted lots of insults to her accusing her for being used by the regime.

“You are part of the problem to the people of Kayunga , how can you rig your fellow woman’s victory, you merciless Satan” asked one of the supporters of Nakwedde.

Muwonge was jointly sued with EC that they connived to overturn the victory and failed to ensure secure conditions necessary for the conduct of the election when registered voters were variously threatened and failed to exercise their right to vote freely or at all.

The brawal continued upto the Court yard when both sides started fighting each other and it was the police officers who intervened to calm the situation.

The disappointed Nakwede said that she wasn’t expecting much from the court as they are all working on the tunes of the regime led by president Museveni, However she noted that she will appeal the case such that she gets her victory from the junta.

Muwonge said that he is waiting for her costs and warned that it should be a lesson to Nakwede never again run to court without evidence to pin her opponents.

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