Saturday, July 27News That Matters

MTN Uganda-sponsored Bunyoro Kingdom Sports Extravaganza Serves Double Delight for Buliisa Residents.

In a thrilling showcase of sportsmanship and community unity, residents of Buliisa District were
treated to a double dose of excitement with the second edition of MTN Uganda-sponsored
Bunyoro Kitara Bicycle Races and the Enganda Football Tournament. The streets of Buliisa
came alive as athletes and football enthusiasts converged to witness these thrilling events.
The day kicked off with the much-anticipated Bunyoro Kitara Bicycle Races, sponsored by MTN
Uganda. The event, held in collaboration with Bunyoro Kingdom, saw dozens of cyclists from
the district, both male and female, compete in a fierce battle for top honors.
The race, which started at the Buliisa town council at around 10:30 am, was flagged off by the
prime minister of Bunyoro Kingdom, Owek. Andrew Byakutaga. MTN Uganda’s Western and
South Western Region Business Manager, Aggrey Byaruhanga, expressed the telecom
company’s pride in supporting initiatives that uplift the lives of the people.
“We are very proud to be working with cultural institutions in supporting sporting activities
because they are a strong pillar in establishing communities that foster shared beliefs and unity
of purpose, which resonates with MTN’s belief in doing good,” Byaruhanga stated.
The competition was fierce, and the top two performers in both the male and female categories
earned the opportunity to participate in the overall competitions in Hoima City. The winners were
rewarded with cash prizes and assorted items courtesy of MTN Uganda.
Bicycle Race Results: Male Category
1. Ahebwa Bright
2. Moses Kiixa
3. Geoffrey Alituha
Female Category
1. Sylvia Asaba
2. Annet Kusemererwa
Owek. Andrew Byakutaga, the prime minister of Bunyoro Kingdom, expressed his gratitude to
MTN Uganda for their support in improving the social-economic status of the population through
sporting activities. He emphasized the importance of these initiatives in mobilizing the clans for
“MTN’s partnership with Bunyoro aims to foster the socio-economic well-being of its people
through supporting health, education, and sports initiatives among others,” Byakutaga added.
He also lauded MTN Uganda for their efforts in sensitizing the local people against the dangers
of early marriage and teenage pregnancies, which have been significant causes of poor
maternal health in the sub-region. In the past year, MTN Uganda has undertaken initiatives in
health and education in the Bunyoro region, including the refurbishment and kitting of health

Following the exhilarating bicycle races, the action shifted to the Enganda Football Tournament,
a collaboration between Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom and MTN Uganda. Three clans, namely
Abakibiro, Abajangi, and Abalyambwa/Abatabi, vied for supremacy on the football pitch.
In a display of skill and determination, the Bakibiro clan emerged as the victors, securing their
spot in the next round of the tournament. The Bunyoro kingdom prime minister, Owek. Andrew
Kirungi Byakutaga, presided over the tournament’s official kick-off and expressed his
appreciation for MTN’s continuous support of football competitions in the region.
Football Tournament Results:
• Abakibiro 1:0 Abajangi
• Abatabi/Abalyambwa 0:0 Abakibiro
• Abajangi 0:0 Abatabi/Abalyambwa
Byakutaga emphasized that these competitions play a vital role in helping the youth discover
their talents, promoting harmony among the clans in Bunyoro, and contributing to the overall
health of the community through regular exercise.
Aggrey Byaruhanga, the Regional MTN Marketing Coordinator for Western and South Western
regions, expressed MTN’s commitment to supporting these games, highlighting their role in
fostering good relationships within the Bunyoro community.
“The support we provide to these games promotes good relationships with the people of
Bunyoro, and as MTN, we support everyone irrespective of the clans and tribes,” Byaruhanga
The Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom prime minister praised MTN Uganda for their strong partnership
and pledged continued support to ensure the people of Bunyoro benefit from these enriching
sporting events.
In a community filled with enthusiasm and unity, the MTN Uganda-sponsored Bunyoro Kingdom
Sports Extravaganza showcased the power of sports to bring people together, promote talent,
and improve the overall well-being of the community. With more events like these on the
horizon, Bunyoro residents have much to look forward to in the world of sports.