Friday, July 26News That Matters

MTN Foundation enhances vocational training in Jinja through state-of-the-art equipment donation.

In a significant development poised to
revolutionize vocational training standards in Jinja, the MTN Foundation—MTN
Uganda's philanthropic arm—has today announced a landmark contribution to Heta
Vocational Ground.
The donation, part of the esteemed MTN Changemakers Initiative, underscores
MTN's commitment to fostering inclusive, empowered and sustainable development
of communities across Uganda.
This premier vocational training center, known for its commitment to empowering
vulnerable communities, has historically relied on basic tailoring machines for
training and employment initiatives. The limitations of such equipment have
constrained both the learning velocity and the volume of commercially viable
garments produced.
This scenario is poised for a significant overhaul following the MTN Foundation's
generous provision of industrial-grade tailoring machines, inclusive of embroidery
units, alongside four internet-ready computers, and comprehensive phone repair

The equipment, valued at a collective UGX 20 million, is expected to dramatically
enhance operational efficiency, foster higher income opportunities for the institution,
and afford vulnerable learners who utilize the tailoring facilities for commercial
production a competitive edge.
Expressing her gratitude, Ms. Hellen Kirunda, the visionary behind Heta Vocational
Ground, highlighted the anticipated impact of this support: "The infusion of modern
technology into our operations not only augments our production capacity but also
broadens the economic prospects for our learners and the institution at large," she
Buoyed by this injection of advanced machinery, Ms. Kirunda envisions an
expansion of the center's vocational training offerings to nine additional districts,
including Iganga, Kamuli, Luuka, Bugiri, Mayuge, Bugweri, Buyende, Kalio,
Namutumba, and Namayingo.
Heta Vocational Grounds, with its 300-learner capacity, remains steadfast in its
mission to equip young women, men, and differently abled youth, with the requisite
skills, knowledge, and attitudes for seamless integration into the workforce. The
institution plays a pivotal role in curtailing unemployment and underemployment,
fostering job creation through comprehensive skills training in areas crucial for
Uganda's sustained economic advancement.
"Empowering the youth with marketable skills is fundamental for sustained
community and national development, fostering a cycle of creativity, innovation, and
lifelong productivity,” Ms. Kirunda said.
During the equipment handover ceremony at Heta Vocational Grounds in Jinja City,
MTN Uganda’s Head of Commercial Eastern Region, Njagala Allan, said the
initiative aligns with MTN's Ambition 2025 strategy that envisions a future where
digital inclusivity, sustainability, and community empowerment are not mere
aspirations but tangible realities.
"MTN Uganda is committed to a future where every Ugandan, regardless of their
background or status, has access to the opportunities afforded by a modern,
connected life," Njagala said. "Our partnership with Heta Vocational Grounds
embodies our collective pursuit of unstoppable community transformation."
This support comes on the backdrop of a pressing youth unemployment crisis in
Uganda, with World Bank data indicating that over 75% of the population is under

the age of 30, and a youth unemployment rate that significantly outpaces the
national average.
MTN Uganda launched the MTN Changemakers Initiative in July last year to support
individuals and organizations creating impact in their communities. The company has
since allocated UGX 500 million to support 25 select projects nationwide, spanning
various sectors, as part of its broader commitment to investing in Uganda's future.
This endeavor aims to empower youth, women, persons with disabilities, and rural
communities across five Ugandan regions.
Over the past decade, the MTN Foundation has contributed UGX 30 billion towards
more than 250 projects in education, health, youth empowerment, and more,
establishing itself as a key driver of positive change and development across