Saturday, July 27News That Matters

MTN Foundation announces selection of 25 projects for the inaugural MTN Changemakers Initiative.

MTN Uganda's corporate social responsibility arm, MTN Foundation, is excited to announce the selection of 25 projects for the inaugural MTN Changemakers Initiative.
This initiative, designed to create a lasting impact on the lives of millions in Uganda focusing
on youth, women, persons with disabilities, and communities in need, aligns with the
company's 25-year celebration of transforming Uganda's communities.
It also reflects MTN's belief in collaborative efforts to create an unstoppable wave of change
in the communities countrywide.
MTN Foundation is committing UGX 500 million to these selected projects, aligning with its
core focus areas of economic empowerment, education, health, water, and the environment.
The 25 projects span five sub-regions, ensuring widespread support and positive change
across the country: Northern Sub-region (West Nile, Lango, Acholi, and Karamoja); Eastern
Sub-region (Busoga, Teso, Bugisu, and Bukedea); Greater Central Sub-region (Luwero,
Mpigi, Masaka, and Mukono); Central Sub-region (mainly Kampala); and the Western sub-
region (Kigezi, Bunyoro, Ankole, and Tooro).
Ms. Sylvia Mulinge, Chief Executive Officer of MTN Uganda, congratulated the winners for
their outstanding proposals, emphasizing their potential to positively transform their
"We, at MTN, believe that Ugandans are doers, and their actions inspire us. Therefore,
extending our support to them will enable them to exceed their expectations and realize their
dreams for the betterment of their communities,” she said.
Ms. Mulinge also extended congratulations to all applicants, highlighting MTN's commitment
to supporting entities dedicated to community transformation.
She emphasized MTN's commitment to improving the lives of communities, recognizing that
a transformed community significantly contributes to the country's economic growth and
Ms. Mulinge expressed MTN's openness to further partnerships with various organizations to
realize community goals and dreams.
Brian Mbasa, Senior Manager at MTN Foundation, provided details on the project
implementation timeline.
"The project will run from 1st November, 2023 to 31st December, 2023. Following this, we
will profile the implemented projects in the first quarter of 2024,” he said.
Ashiraf Komoire, the founder of Skool Bike, expressed his excitement about the support from
MTN, which will significantly contribute to the expansion of their bike rental initiative for
"Presently, we have a fleet of seven bikes available for rent, primarily serving students from
Kololo Secondary School at a rate of Shs2,000 per day. With the support from MTN, we are
enthusiastic about broadening our services to benefit more students who have to trek long
distances to school," Komoire stated.
Launched in July, the MTN Changemakers Initiative aims to empower local individuals and
organizations committed to making a profound difference in their communities.
Over the past decade, MTN Foundation has invested UGX 30 billion in over 250 projects
across various focus areas, including health, education, water and sanitation, and youth
empowerment, changing lives and making communities stronger nationwide.
MTN Change Makers beneficiaries
SN Changemakers Project Thematic Area Area Location
1 Kololo Senior Secondary
School Skool Bike Uganda Education/ Youth
Empowerment Kampala
2 Primetime Students
Development Services Prime-Time Youth
Empowerment Kampala
3 Faces Up Uganda Skills for Now and the Future Youth
Empowerment Kampala
4 Special Children's trust Equipping Down Children's

centre Health Kampala
5 Mokindye – Mosojjo
Village Cleon water supply Water and
sanitation Kampala
6 Rotary Club of Kampala
West Nokisungo WASH Project Water and
sanitation Mukono
7 Bego-kwo-bego BKB Water, Sanitation Water and
sanitation Wokiso
8 Nottingham Trent Skilling
Centre Tusitukire Womu Dev Ass Youth
Empowerment Wokiso
9 Gejjo women
Foundation Menstrual Hygiene
management Health Mpigi
10 Rotaract Club of Masako Masako prison Literacy project Youth
Empowerment Masako
11 ST Joseph's AID society Beds For Vulnerable Children Education Kyankwonzi
12 Nob Twetungire group Skilling women in Tailoring Youth
Empowerment Mbararo
13 Nyakobale Lower Deaf
Unit Skilling pupils in Tailoring Youth
Empowerment Rukungiri
14 Blessed Damion Sec
School Water Harvesting Water and
sanitation Masindi
15 Sauls Rescue Mission
Uganda Safe Water for a Safe
Community Water and
sanitation Kyegegwa
16 Okarowok clean and safe
drinking water Borehole for safe drinking water. Water and
Sanitation Oyam
17 Safe Water Uganda
Improving the available water
spring wells to protected pipe
wells Water and
Sanitation Gulu
18 Tocau Karamojo Provision of ICT facilities Youth
Empowerment Nabilotuk
19 Lions Club of Nebbi
Renovation of the Erussi
secondary school girls'
dormitory Youth
Empowerment Nebbi
20 Community Development
Shield Uganda
Increase access to safe water
and basic sanitation by
empowering local communities Water and
sanitation Kole
21 Teach for Uganda
Construction of a borehole at
Kalagala Primary School Water and
sanitation Mayuge
22 Heta vocational grounds Heta vocational grounds Youth
Empowerment Jinja
23 Beautiful periods Beautiful periods Youth
Empowerment Nomutumba
24 Kolamugosi women
empowerment Kolamugosi women
empowerment Youth
Empowerment Sironko
25 Olwenyi Brion
Community Foundation Making lives better Youth
Empowerment Tororo