Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Ministers involved in Karamoja iron sheets scandal face axe from cabinet.

President Museveni has said ministers implicated in the recent scandal involving the swindling of iron sheets meant for Karamoja sub-region will face being axed from his cabinet.
“I will also take political action once the police has concluded their investigations.”
The development was communicated by President Museveni in a brief to the Prime Minister, Robinah Nabbanja on April, 3.
The brief has also been copied to Vice President, ministers, Permanent Secretaries and Members of Parliament.
According to Museveni , the iron sheets were meant for the Karachuna as part of government efforts to fight insecurity in the Karamoja sub-region and therefore those involved in stealing them were involved in subversive activities.
“Those ministers are therefore undermining security in exchange for cheap popularity. Under the NRA code, cheap popularity is characterized as subversive. The ministers that were therefore , consciously involved in this must take personal responsibility, pay back the value of the mabaati they diverted and I will decide on the political action to punish this mistake,” Museveni said.
The president however says those who were “unconsciously” involved should return the mabaati if they are still available.
If the president’s word is to go by, the ministers who used the Karamoja iron sheets for their personal gain will face criminal charges but also axe from cabinet.
State Minister for Finance, Amos Lugoloobi used the iron sheets he received to roof his kraal but after being implicated, he deroofed it.
Last week, Minister for Karamoja, Mary Goretti Kitutu was remanded to Luzira over swindling iron sheets meant for Karamoja.
She returns to court tomorrow, Wednesday for ruling on her bail application.
Other top government officials implicated in the scandal include the Vice President, Jessica Alupo, Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja, Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among and Finance Minister, Matia Kasaija among others.
Many of those implicated have since washed their hands clean of any wrongdoing saying their never initiated the deal but were only at the receiving end.
It remains to be seen if President Museveni’s word will come to pass.

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