Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Ministers given 30 days to return COVID Pickups .

The Deputy Resident City Commissioner (RCC) for Rubaga Division, Herbert Anderson Burora, has asked ministers and other government officials who took ‘COVID-19 pickups’ for their personal use to return them before 30 days elapse or be named and shamed.
According to Burora, some districts and ministry departments are facing a shortage of mobility, while vehicles intended for health sector improvement are allegedly being used for personal errands.
“It is disturbing that cars meant for improving the health sector are doing shopping and dropping their children to school,” Burora said.
He further claimed that some vehicles intended for health response have been confiscated by Local Council (LC) 5 chairpersons, leaving District Health Officers without the necessary means to carry out their duties.
“If they are not returned by the end of the month, we shall name the ministers and chairpersons who are wrongfully abusing the initiative of the President,” Burora warned.
During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Museveni asked Corporate companies and individuals to donate pickups to boost the mobility of health workers.
Companies and individuals heeded the presidential call as hundreds of pickups were donated. The vehicles were then distributed to various districts.