Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Minister Mutuuzo Affirms Commitment to African Values and Family Identity amid Global Peace Festival Preparations.

The Minister of State for Gender and Culture Affairs, Hon. Mutuuzo Peace Regis has reaffirmed the importance of upholding African values and family identity in the face of mounting pressure from foreign entities to embrace practices that deviate from deeply ingrained cultural norms.
During a meeting with delegates and stakeholders of the upcoming Global Peace Festival at her office in
Kampala, Minister Mutuuzo condemned attempts to introduce foreign values, particularly
homosexuality, into the African context.
Drawing attention to the landmark Anti-Homosexuality Act, Hon. Mutuuzo highlighted that majority of
557 Members of Parliament had solidly endorsed the legislation, with only two dissenting votes.
“This resounding decision underscores our stance. Our values must be preserved within the framework
of a traditional mother and father, not through artificial constructs,” she emphasized.
Referring to the landmark Anti-Homosexuality Law, Hon. Mutuuzo noted that an overwhelming majority
of 557 Members of Parliament had endorsed the legislation, with only two dissenting votes.
“This was a clear statement. Our values should be inculcated through a mother and father by birth and
not manufactured gender,” she asserted.
The Minister further called for respect and understanding of Uganda’s values and ideology. “They should
halt the pressure and respect our values, family identity, and ideology,” she said.
In a collaborative spirit, the Minister welcomed the proposal to host the Global Peace Festival in
Kampala, slated for May next year. She assured the festival organizers of the Ministry of Gender, Labour,
and Social Development’s unwavering commitment to spearheading event preparations. The festival
aims to promote global harmony and cooperation through evangelism. Minister Mutuuzo also
encouraged religious institutions to elevate women to leadership roles, furthering gender equality
within their congregations.
The Minister also implored religious institutions to address the conflict-ridden practice of leaving
spouses in precarious positions following polygamous men’s decisions to engage in church weddings.
The Minister stressed the crucial role that the Church’s intervention could play in mitigating the far-
reaching implications of such practices on women, children, and society as a whole.
On conflict-afflicted African nations, Minister Mutuuzo called upon the Global Peace Foundation to
advocate for peaceful coexistence in these regions, underlining the disproportionate suffering endured
by women and children during conflicts.
David Caprara, Strategic Advisor of the Global Peace Initiative, expressed solidarity with Uganda’s stance
on preserving its cultural identity, noting that this sentiment transcended international boundaries. He
announced plans to collaborate with the Ugandan embassy in New York to foster a unified African
stance on issues like homosexuality.
Flanked by Mr. Jinman Kwak, the International President of the Family Peace Association, Caprara
thanked the Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development for partnering in arranging the
forthcoming Global Peace Festival.
Among the distinguished attendees at the meeting was Amb. Kambula Milton, the President of the
Global Peace Foundation, and other notable figures.