Friday, July 26News That Matters

Minister Lugoloobi trial unsuccessful.

The hearing of a case against the State Minister for Finance, Mr. Amos Lugoloobi has failed to kick off after prosecution informed court that they were not ready to proceed with the matter today.
This prompted the trial judge Margaret Tibulya to adjourn the case until next week on Wednesday and Thursday, with seven prosecution witnesses.
Assistant DPP Josephine Namatovu confirmed to Court that she will be ready to proceed with the hearing of this case on the mentioned dates.
Lugoloobi’s lawyer, Mr John Isabirye informed Court that he is ready to defend his client.
Minister Lugoloobi is accused of dealing with suspect property by allegedly diverting 400 Iron sheets from the Office of the Prime Minister that were meant for Karamoja Community Empowerment Programme.
Prosecution says minister Lugoloobi, committed the offence between February 2nd and March 15th 2022 at the office of the Prime Minister stores in Namanve- Mukono, and at different places in Matugga, Wakiso and Ntenjeru in Kayunga District.