Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Minister Amongi urges women to lead in government programs.

The Minister for Gender, Labour, and Social Development, Hon.
Amongi Betty Ongom, has called upon women to take the lead in the implementation of
government programs aimed at creating rapid change at the grassroots level. The minister
emphasized that women, in accordance with societal norms, bear various shared responsibilities,
making their active participation in government initiatives crucial for growth and development.
Speaking at a one-day entrepreneurship training for women leaders held at the Northern Gateway
Hotel in Oyam district, Minister Amongi highlighted the government’s commitment to
supporting women through various interventions. She specifically mentioned the Parish
Development Model, which designates thirty percent of all disbursements for women. The
minister urged women to apply for these funds to establish and expand enterprises that would
enhance household incomes.
With over 200 women leaders in attendance, the event organized by the National Women’s
Council covered several subjects, including the role of women council leaders, mindset change
and women’s development, value addition and enterprise development, enhancing the capacity of
women leaders in agricultural development and food security, and an overview of the Parish
Development Model.
Minister Amongi further disclosed that, starting from this financial year, the government had
initiated the disbursal of institutional funds through the National Women’s Council National
Secretariat. These funds aim to facilitate women leaders in fulfilling their roles and
responsibilities, particularly in mobilizing communities to participate in government programs.
“As leaders at the Parish level, your role is to ensure that women benefit from the 30% allocation
under the Parish Development Model,” Amongi emphasized. She further emphasized that the
program had been designed to guarantee women’s representation in the Parish Development
In addition to their involvement in government programs, the minister urged women to foster
harmonious homes, as this directly impacts community and national development.
She highlighted that similar training sessions were being conducted across the country to
empower women leaders and equip them with the necessary skills for productive engagement.

Mr. Benson Walter Dila Oyuku, the LCV Oyam District, commended the National Women’s
Council for organizing the training, acknowledging its critical role in directing women’s focus
toward productivity. He stressed the importance of knowledge as a key factor of production,
stating that while land, capital, and labour are essential, knowledge is the driving force behind
Oyuku further emphasized that Oyam district possesses vast land resources, making such
training programs vital in steering the population towards fruitful ventures.
The call by Minister Amongi Betty Ongom for women to spearhead the uptake of government
programs underscores the commitment of the Ugandan government to gender equality and
inclusive development. By actively involving women in grassroots initiatives, the government
aims to accelerate progress and uplift communities across the nation.

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