Friday, July 26News That Matters

Minister Among visits Bunyoro kitara kingdon ahead of their ”EMPANGO”

The Prime Minister of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom Owek. Andrew Byakutaga Ateenyi has this afternoon hosted the Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development Hon. Betty Amongi.

The Minister appreciated BKK for its role in mobilising people to embrace development programs and preserving culture.

The Prime Minister briefed the Minister about Kingdom programs and the preparations to commemorate the 30th coronation anniversary of His Royal Majesty Dr Solomon Gafabusa Iguru I, the Omukama of Bunyoro-Kitara. The main celebrations will be held on 11th June 2024 at BKK Parliament Gardens.

Before the main celebrations, there will be Omugo health camp in Kakumiro district on 24th-25th May, Empango Marathon on 8th June at BKK Parliament Gardens where proceeds of the run will equip Kakumiro health centre IV theatre, a Royal thanksgiving service at St Peters cathedral in Hoima City on 10th June, a Bunyoro Native Food Festival from 7th to 9th June at BKK Parliament Gardens and a Pre-commemoration music festival (Omujaato) in Buliisa district on 10th June.

The Minister promised to not only attend but also to support the celebrations.

The Minister was accompanied by the state Minister of public service Hon. Mary Grace Mugasa, the Hoima City West MP Hon. Dr Joseph Ruyonga, the Hoima City Mayor Hon. Brian Kaboyo, the Hoima Resident City Commissioner Hon. Badru Mugabi and the UPC Regional chairman Mr. Kajura Matia.

After paying a courtesy call on the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister, Hon. Amongi traveled to Kiriisa cell in Hoima west division where she presided over the Hoima City women’s day celebrations.