Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Min. Kitutu to appear in court today over Karamoja iron sheets.

The Director of Public Prosecutions has sanctioned corruption charges against minister Mary Goretti Kitutu over her role in the diversion of iron sheets meant for the vulnerable in Karamoja.
The DPP on Wednesday said Kitutu who is currently detained at police will later today, Thursday be charged to court over corruption.
“The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) has sanctioned charges of corruption and conspiracy to commit a felony against Hon. Kitutu Mary Goretti Kimono for diverting iron sheets meant for the Karamoja Community Empowerment Programme,” the DPP said in Twitter.
The DPP said having consented to the charges, the police had been directed to produce the minister to court for plea taking.
Unless otherwise, Minister Kitutu is expected to spend the Easter holiday in Luzira prison where she will be remanded by the Anti-Corruption Court after being charged.
The state seems to have tightened the noose around Kitutu as the senior minister who initiated the diversion of iron sheets.
All the other ministers and government officials accused of participating in the diversion of the iron sheets meant for the vulnerable in Karamoja have in their statements said they never requested for the relief items but rather were given to them by the ministry.
This in a way places the burden on Kitutu as the initiator of the deal to share the iron sheets meant for the vulnerable in Karamoja.
It remains to be seen how the saga will unfold since the Prime Minister, Vice President, Speaker of Parliament, Finance Ministers, Matia Kasaija, Amos Lugoloobi, State Minister for Karamoja, Agnes Nandutu and many others were accused of taking part in sharing among themselves the iron sheets meant for the vulnerable.

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