Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Meet Amos Wekesa, Uganda’s Unstoppable Tourism Visionary.

Amos Wekesa's journey to becoming a beacon of Uganda's tourism industry was not paved
with ease. His story is one of unyielding determination, resilience in the face of adversity, and
an unshakable commitment to transforming challenges into opportunities.
He epitomizes the unstoppable spirit championed by MTN, transforming adversity into
opportunity and propelling Uganda's tourism industry to new heights.
Wekesa’s childhood in the village of Lwakhakha was defined by scarcity and survival. His
family's struggles forced them into smuggling basic necessities across the border, navigating
perilous rivers and risking encounters with authorities. These early hardships forged his
character, instilling in him a tenacity that would define his future endeavors.
At the age of 10, fate intervened in the form of the Salvation Army, offering Amos an
opportunity for education, albeit wrenching him away from his family. Transitioning from a
life without shoes to unfamiliar dormitories, he embarked on a journey marked by
unfamiliarity and adversity. Yet, it was within these challenges that his indomitable spirit
began to shine.
Despite an arduous start in academics, Amos never lost sight of his aspirations. He absorbed
lessons not only from textbooks but from the world around him, learning the value of hard
work, honesty, and seizing every opportunity.
Amos's foray into the tourism industry began humbly, working as a tour guide for a modest
daily wage. Long hours, minimal rest, and meager earnings were the norm. Yet, within this
toil, he discovered his innate gift for guiding and his fervent dream of something greater.
Armed with determination, Amos launched Great Lakes Safaris in 2001 with a mere $200
and an unrelenting spirit. Challenges loomed large – initial setbacks threatened closure, and
the struggle to attract tourists was daunting.
However, fate smiled upon him when an article by an American tourist, unknowingly an
editor at The Washington Times, spotlighted Uganda's untapped beauty. This pivotal moment
marked the turning tide for Great Lakes Safaris, propelling its growth and igniting Amos's
In 2006, Amos achieved a groundbreaking milestone, becoming the first Ugandan granted
permission to construct a lodge within a national park. This feat not only challenged norms
but symbolized his unwavering resolve to break barriers and champion local entrepreneurship
in an industry dominated by foreign entities.
Amos's impact expanded beyond business success. His passion for Uganda's natural wonders
and wildlife sparked a vision for sustainable tourism, leading to the inception of the Great
Lakes Safaris Foundation. This initiative, intertwining tourism with community
empowerment and conservation, epitomizes his commitment to nurturing Uganda's growth.
Recognition followed, with Amos becoming a prominent figure in international forums,
addressing the United Nations, and gracing esteemed platforms like CNN. His accolades,
including Titan Regional and Continental Awards in Leisure and Tourism, validate his pivotal
role in propelling Uganda's tourism sector onto the global stage.

Today, Amos Wekesa stands tall as not just an accomplished entrepreneur but as a symbol of
resilience, a trailblazer who transformed adversity into opportunity, and an unwavering
ambassador showcasing Uganda's boundless potential to the world. His story echoes a
testament to the unstoppable spirit, driving Uganda's progress and inspiring generations to