Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Make valentine’s day simple and the best day for you.

We understand a lot of you want to celebrate Valentine’s Day but you have a tight budget since some of you have just taken the kids back to school.
That should not force you to cancel your Valentine’s Day plans and stay home alone.
Here are some of our recommendations for how you can celebrate Valentine’s Day on a budget.
Cook a Meal Together
Cooking a meal is a great way to bond. Take your time picking a recipe and going shopping together. Whether you whip up a deluxe meal or it flops, you’ll share some great memories.
Make a Romantic Playlist
Set the mood for your Valentine’s Day by making a romantic playlist with your date. Music is a great way to connect, so come up with a theme and add songs to your playlist. While putting together the perfect playlist, you can also plan your next activity for Valentine’s Day.

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