Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Mafabi rejects Birigwa’s request for delegates’ conference funds.

The Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) has rejected the request for funding the Extraordinary National Delegates Conference, which was called by the party chairman, Mr. Wasswa Birigwa on grounds that the party’s governing bodies were not informed in advance.
In his letter dated August 24th, Birigwa had requested Shs638.2 million to support his conference scheduled for September 19th.
In his letter, Birigwa stated, “The office of the party Chairman has called for an extraordinary National Delegates Conference on Tuesday, September in Kampala. The total number of expected participants is 1,970, including 1,560 delegates and 410 other guests.”
According to the budget attached to the letter, the funds were intended for facilitating the attendance of delegates, providing security in the form of police officers, accommodating delegates for two nights each, covering meals and refreshments for delegates, and providing transportation to and from their respective districts among others.
However, Mr. Birigwa’s request has been turned down by the party Secretary-General, Mr. Nandala Mafabi, on the grounds that the party’s governing bodies were not informed about the delegates’ conference in advance.
Mr. Mafabi stated in his September 2 letter said that “You announced this extraordinary meeting without notifying any party organ, including the Secretary-General, who is the principal accounting officer of the party, the party president, and the party treasurer, who is responsible for party finances.”
Mafabi also pointed out that Birigwa appears to be implementing the resolutions made during the press conference at Katonga by the party founder, Dr. Kizza Besigye, on August 2, and the gathering at Fairway Hotel on August 3rd. He warned that Katonga is not an official organ or structure of the FDC, and the chairman should not act on its resolutions.
In his letter, Mafabi emphasized that the party is only informed about the National Delegates Conference called by the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, which will lead to the election of the party’s national leadership. This meeting had been approved by the 16th National Council meeting, according to Mafabi, and is slated to take place on October 6.
Mafabi added, “During your eight years as the party chairman, you had ample time to convene a delegates conference, but you chose not to do so until the end of your term. Your actions are causing disharmony at this critical time.”
Given these circumstances, the party has declined to fund Birigwa’s conference.