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Kyegegwa to Host the International Day of Older Persons.

Kyegegwa, 14th September 2023 – Kyegegwa district will host this year’s National celebrations for the International Day of Older Persons, which is celebrated every 1st October. The day aims to recognize the contributions made by older persons to the development of the society they live in and to raise awareness among the public about the rights and needs of older persons.
The theme for this year is: “Healthy Ageing; A Call to Action.” This theme is derived from the United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing 2020-2023, envisioning a world where everyone can enjoy a long and healthy life.
During a joint planning meeting with officials from the Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development held at the district headquarters on Thursday, 14th September 2023, the district team expressed readiness to host the national event.
Kyegegwa Woman Member of Parliament, Hon. Flavia Kabahenda Rwabuhoro, who also chairs the Parliamentary Committee on Gender and Social Development, mentioned that this would be the first time Kyegegwa district hosts a national event since its creation in 2010. She noted, “We are profiling older persons in the district for recognition on the D-day,” and added that life expectancy has exponentially increased in Uganda from 47 in 1986 to 63.4 years currently.
The LCV Chairperson, Mr. Byamukama John, urged residents to seize the opportunity to boost their businesses with the influx of visitors. He revealed that older persons are being mobilised to attend including the oldest attendee at 133 years.
The Assistant Commissioner, Disability and Elderly Affairs at the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development, Mrs. Emily Ajiambo, extended gratitude to the district for expressing interest in hosting the International Day of Older Persons and for the preparations already underway. She emphasized that healthy aging involves including older persons’ concerns in development planning and highlighted strategies such as prioritizing older persons at public service centers like health units and promoting dietary awareness.
The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister, Robinah Nabbanja, is expected to preside over the celebrations.