Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Kisoro municipality MoH vehicle caught with smuggled ‘bitenge’ from Congo.

A vehicle from the Ministry of Health (MoH) donated to Kisoro Municipality to help fight Covid-19 is held by the Anti-Smuggling Unit at Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) Headquarters in Kampala on allegations of smuggling Bitenge from DRC into Uganda.
The Kisoro Resident District Commissioner (RDC), Hajji Shafique Ssekandi Ssengoba revealed that the Vehicle of registration number UG 7058M was intercepted by Uganda Revenue Authority- URA and Uganda People’s Defence Forces- UPDF officials in Kabale municipality on Sunday being driven by a one Habumugisha Hosea.
Ssekandi said that the driver has since been arrested to help in investigations. He said that URA only wants to know the owner of the Bitenge consignment before releasing the suspect, Habumugisha.
The RDC cautions government employees to desist from all acts of corruption and smuggling that end up shaming them hence asking the Kisoro municipal town clerk to take disciplinary action upon the suspect.
Meanwhile, the Kisoro Municipality town clerk, Haruna Kamba said that Hosea picked the vehicle as an official driver but later used it for illegal activity.
Kamba added that investigations are still ongoing and disciplinary action shall be taken on any staff found to be connected to the scandalous act.

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