Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Kisoro head teacher on spot for embezzling school funds.

The Igabiro primary school head teacher in Rubuguri town council in Kisoro district, Remegio Kabyirengyeza is on spot for conniving with a distant town clerk to embezzle school funds.
Kabyirengyeza, has been a head teacher of Igabiro primary school since the wake of Covid-19. His malicious deeds were reported to the Kisoro district council on Sunday by the Rubuguri town council District Councilor, Deus Byamugisha and were confirmed by Kisoro district Chief Administrative officer, Hajji Badru Mayanja.
According to Byamugisha, Kabyirengyeza first unlawfully changed the school bank account’s signatories to deny his supervisors access and knowledge of the withdrawn funds.
By the law, signatories of a school bank account are supposed to be three including the school head teacher, chairman Board of governors and a town clerk or LC3 Chairman within the area.
However, unlawfully, Kabyirengyeza, the accused, broke the law and hired a sub county chief of Bukimbiri town council, one Aaron and the Rubuguri town council former Mayor.
Byamugisha said that money whose estimates have not yet been known, was recently approved by the town council to construct two classroom blocks and has been channeled leaving the school in a terrible state as it also lacks seats, blackboards and pieces of chalk.
He called upon the responsible authorities to take on the matter as an emergency and find some finances to buy chalk and blackboards for learners to complete this term. He also demanded an immediate audit of the head teacher.
The Kisoro Acting District Education Officer (DEO), Mwunvaneza Emmanuel said that he has taken all required disciplinary measures following the right procedures and a decision has been taken that the head teacher be changed to another school.
The Kisoro Chief Administrative officer, Mayanja said that action will be taken against the sub-county chief of Bukimbiri who has been conniving with the school head teacher.

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