Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Karamojong gunmen shoot boda boda rider and stole 3 crates of beer.

Police in Karamoja are looking for suspected Karamojong warriors who shot a Boda Boda rider and stole crates of beer on Kotido – Kaabong road
The victim 27 year old Atwar David, a resident of Nariwore Village was shot on the right leg while the passenger he was carrying escaped unharmed
The incident took place on July 19, 2023 at Moruaeperu hills towards Loyoro Sub County.
According to police statement, two gunmen appeared from the bush, and opened fire at the victims.
“The suspects laid an ambush, and stopped victims before opening fire. Atwar David the Boda Boda rider was shot and injured on the right leg before he abandoned the motorcycle and fled. The suspects then made off with the three crates of beer ” Mike Longole, Karamoja Police Spokesperson told Nile Post.
Officers say they have launched a manhunt for the suspects
“We want to assure the public that the culprits will be identified and prosecuted in courts of law.”, Mike Longole said.
Police retrieved the motorcycle Reg. No. KMGJ984 T red TVS from the scene while the the gunshot victim is receiving treatment at Loyoro Health Center lll.

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