Friday, July 26News That Matters

IGG staff pins Bushenyi official in sh1b case.

The Bushenyi district principal agricultural office , Amon Natwebembera , who is accused of illicit enrichment ,allegedly accumulated wealth estimated at sh684m within three years court has heard.
Information technology office Daniel Muhanguzi from the Inspectorate of Government (IGG) , on Monday told the Nakasero based Anti-Corruption Court that Natwebwmbera’s wealth was estimated to be sh684m.
Testifying as a second witness , Muhanguzi said declaration forms submitted to the IGG on April 5, 2017 , March 25 , 2021 , showed that Natwebembera owns developed land , undeveloped land a bar and lodge , lucrative boutique business and cars in Bushenyi district.
Muhanguzi told court presided over by justice Jane Okuo Kajuga tha Natwebembera owns bank accounts at dfcu Bank , Stanbic Bank , Centenary Bank and Bushenyi Development SACCO.
Sh1b properties.
The Government alleges that unpon verifying Natwebembera’s income, assets nd liabilities , it was established that his total declared net income between 2016 and 2021 was estimated at sh291m.
Prosecution led by Phillip Munaba alleges that while employed as theprincipal agricultural officer of Bushenyi , Natwebembera ia facing the charges alongside Bushenyi businessman Herbert Gumisiriza before the same court .
It is further alleged that Natwebembera in August 2022 , in Mbarara, with intent to deceive , presented a fake land sale agreement dated April 25 ,2016 to the IGG investigators , purporting that he had sold off his land at Plot 18 , Foli 3, Volume 514, Rwebishuri Road ,Kakoba in Mbarara city , whereas not.
According to court documens ,during veification of his income, assets and liabilities conductd by the IGG for three years , it was alleged that Natwebembera owns a hotel valued at sh999.7m.
When the Inspectorate inquired why Natwebembera did not declare the said hotel among his he denied ownership of the properties and instead introduced Gumisiriza , whom he claimed to be the owner of the property court documents stated.
Gumisiriza was charged with dealing in suspect property under Section 21 a (1) , (2) (b) of the Anti – Corruption Court Act .