Saturday, July 27News That Matters

I don’t share same political beliefs with Bobi Wine, Juliana Kanyomozi .

Songbird Juliana Kanyomozi out here sneezing after receiving a share of battering from Bobi Wine’s disciples.
About a week ago, Juliana rubbed the National Unity Platform online battalion the wrong way when cautioned them against throwing parties after a yellow bus passenger died. She was reacting to Pastor Bugingo’s recent failed assassination.
Actually, a section of irate disciples labelled her names, with others putting it on her that she has a bone to pick with Bobi Wine.
Following the mega clash, the mother-of-one is forced to clarify her relationship with Bobi Wine.
Despite being friends with the NUP darling, Juliana maintains that she doesn’t align with Bobi Wine’s political stance, emphasizing her right to separate personal and political spheres.