Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Habits That Prevent Couples From Enjoying Great Sex

By Elite News Reporter
It’s a common situation: What once was hot and heavy sex for you has gone, well, rather tepid. Most couples chalk this up to the natural progression of a long-term relationship. But it could be that your health habits outside the bedroom are to blame for your struggles inside it.
Here are the unhealthy behaviors that might be keeping you and your partner from enjoying the best sex of your lives:

You’re not sleeping enough
Several people suffer from chronic sleep problems. Not only does a lack of sleep leave you fatigued and prone to illness, but it has also been shown to have sexual repercussions—for both men and women, according to a study in Brain Research.

You’re neglecting your physical fitness
Aerobic capacity and stamina, as well as strength and flexibility, are just as valuable between the sheets as they are on the streets in your day-to-day life. Research also points to the benefits of exercise right before you plan to get busy. Getting your heart rate up improves blood flow, which stimulates your sex organs.

You have bad bedroom juju
You’ve probably heard you should make your bedroom a haven for sleep. The same goes for sex. If the room isn’t conducive to intimate relations, you’re fighting an uphill battle. You should avoid doing work or using your laptop in bed, clear the kids’ toys off the floor, and remove anything that keeps you from focusing on the task at hand.

You’re missing out on essential nutrients
Eating a balanced diet ensures you get all the vitamins and minerals that have been linked to proper sexual functioning. Zinc is vital for male sexual health. Experts point to the importance of B vitamins like niacin—found in salmon, chicken, and fish when it comes to energy production and blood flow, which are both important for sexually active men and women.

You’re drinking excessively
Too much alcohol can lead to “inorgasmia,” or the inability to orgasm. And chronic alcoholism, even after years of sobriety, appears to cause a long-term detriment to sexual performance, research shows. But up to three glasses of wine can actually boost libido in women according to Sexperts.

You’re a smoker
Need yet another reason to quit? Smoking messes with blood flow, which is bad for your heart and your sex organs, shows research from the Mayo Clinic. Smoking is strongly related to erectile dysfunction.

You’re on certain drugs
If you just never feel like having sex, the medication you’re taking could be the culprit. Antidepressant drugs are notorious for lowering sexual desire, and research backs up those rumors. Also, anything that dries out your mucus membranes—like antihistamines—can contribute to vaginal dryness. Talk to your doctor about other options if you suspect your meds are what’s behind your lack of libido.

You’re not self-pleasuring
A lot of people associate masturbation with randy teenagers, but the act of self-pleasuring has long been suggested as a treatment for sexual disorders. Masturbation helps you become more comfortable with what you like, and helps you express what you like to a partner, research from the Archives of Sexual Behavior suggests.

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