Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Fear This Gender: Lady Arrested After Faking Pregnancy For 9 Months.

A shocking video has captured how a young African lady deceived her boyfriend with fake 9 months pregnancy.
The lady’s cunning plan got exposed when she visited a hospital, pretending to be in labor, only for medical staff to discover that she had used clothes to simulate a baby bump.
Her boyfriend, who was unaware of her deception, went to the hospital with her, thinking he was about to see their baby born.
It was during their hospital visit that the truth emerged, revealing a web of lies and deceit that extended over nearly a year.
According to reports, the lady had managed to extort huge amount of money from her boyfriend, totaling in the millions, under the guise that the funds were necessary for medical bills and other essentials related to the pregnancy.
The trending video of the incident captures the dramatic moment when the woman was confronted by the midwives, who had discovered her elaborate ploy.
In the video, the lady can be seen on all fours while the makeshift baby bump, constructed with rags and clothes, is spread on the hospital bed. The midwives are heard interrogating her, exposing the deception that had been perpetrated.
Meanwhile, the boyfriend, oblivious to the truth, remained outside, excitedly anticipating the birth of his supposed baby, not realizing that he had fallen prey to his girlfriend’s calculated deception.