Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Dead are not dead’Father returns home 2 days after he was buried’.

It was a drama in Kigando cell, Kigando Parish in Kashongi county, after the family buried a wrong relative and the real one later appeared to the family two days after the burial.
Fabiano Kabigumira 48, a resident of Kigando cell, Kitura sub county, Kashongi county Kiruhura district left home 4 years ago and went to Keikoti in Kiruhura district to work as casual laborer before changing his workplace to Kyabagyenyi cell in Rushere Town council still in Kiruhura District.
However mid Last week, his former friend Ndimu Fred whom they worked together with in Keikoti died and was mistaken to be Fabiano Kabigumira.
According to Mwijuka Alex, a son to Kabigumira, the family was contacted on Wednesday last week about the passing on of their father and later made burial arrangements which cost them over Ugx. 7 million.
Mwijukye adds that on checking the luggage that came along with the corpse one
The day after the burial, while in a family meeting to confirm the heir, they found it was another person not their father and on hearing the news of the burial, the real father had to come himself to denounce the news about his death.

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