Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Employee in tears as boss snatches his wife after offering her a good paying job.

The Chemanga Seed SS teacher has been left in distress after Kapkwata SS Headteacher snatched his wife he offered the job.
Mr. Kiplangat Ben, Headteacher Kapkwata SS, offered a job to Ms. Sisco Chekwemoi, the wife of a mathematics teacher, Chemanga Seed SS, Mr. Chelogoi Stephen.
However, with the wife of Mr. Chelogoi looking juicy and delicious, it’s alleged that Mr. Kiplangat decided to use the opportunity to request to test her watermelon. However, the lady didn’t hesitate to grant him permission to test her delicious watermelon, citing that he had given her a job opportunity.
Mr. Kiplangat, on testing her watermelon, found it so delicious that the sweetness entered his bones, and he heard it from his medulla oblongata.
Following the experience of the sweetness he tested, he decided to grab the lady all for himself, leaving Mr. Chelogoi to freeze in this cold, rainy season.