Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Busoga local Government political heads to China for a 3 weeks benchmarking and capacity building visit.

Minister of State for Cooperatives Hon Fredrick Gume Ngobi saw off a delegation of Busoga Local Government leaders to Beijing China on Monday 4th Sept 2023 for a 3 weeks Benchmarking and Capacity building program courtesy of the Busoga Consortium for Development (BCD), the Government of Uganda and the Government of People’s Republic of China. This took place in the VIP Lounge at Entebbe International Airport where the delegation was hosted by Ms. Olive Birungi Lumonya Deputy Director General of Civil Aviation Authority prior to their departure.
According to Mr. Mula Anthony Director General BCD, Busoga Local Government leaders were clustered in groups of 3 (three), with the 1st group having been seen off on today by Hon Gume Ngobi at 4:30pm. These included the Governor BCD & LCV Chairperson Luuka District Mr. Wakaze Simon, His Worship the Mayor of Jinja City Mr. Okocha Kasolo Peter, Governor Emeritus & LCV Chairperson Namayingo District Mr. Sanya Ronald and the LCV Chairperson Bugweri Mr. Muziransa Shafi.
In his message to the delegation, Hon Gume Ngobi congratulated the leaders and encouraged them to utilize the visit the learn, promote Busoga and Uganda, initiate collaborations and attract potential investment companies especially in sectors of Tourism, Mineral development, housing and Agricultural value addition. He tipped them on the need to consciously manage time and dining table etiquettes noting that these 2 (two) parameters are used to describe character and seriousness of any leader.
Mr. Mula Anthony encouraged the leaders to be intentional at the quest to learn something new necessary to trigger the socioeconomic transformation of their Local Governments and Busoga at large. He encouraged them to fully familiaze themselves with the Busoga Development Agenda (BDA) being the sub-region’s blue print guiding development plan noting that this would enable them to have guided negotiations and lobbying.
During their visit, the leaders are expected to share China’s experiences in Livelihood and Poverty Alleviation with a focus on China’s Development Polices, China’s Poverty Reduction Strategies and Policies, China’s Agricultural Technology Extension system and its role in poverty reduction, the industrialization policies and strategies of China, Agricultural Cooperatives and its role in poverty alleviation, poverty reduction through rural Tourism in China, Rural Public Service Improvement and Poverty reduction in China, Famale Entrepreneurship and Rural-reconstruction and Co-Reliance, among others. The leaders will visit several provinces including Henan Province, Hainan Province, among others.
The 2nd group is scheduled to depart on Tuesday 5th September 2023 and will include the LCV Chairperson Kamuli District Mr. Kuwembula Maxwell, the LCV Chairperson Buyende District Mr. Kanaku Micheal, the LCV Chairperson Bugiri District Mr. Davidson Mulumba and the LCV Chairperson Namutumba District Mr. Mukisa David.
These will depart together with a BCD Women delegation that is scheduled to attend a benchmarking and capacity building program in Beijing China for Female Officers for 3 weeks. This is composed of Ms. Namayega Edith CAO Namayingo District, Ms. Esther Mirembe PRO BCD, Ms. Kayongo District Planner Jinja City and Ms. Nangobi Stella BCD focal Officer in the Office of the 3rd Deputy Prime Minister.
The 3rd group will include the Vice Governor BCD & LCV Chairperson Mayuge District Bishop Frank Tibagendeka, LCV Chairperson Iganga District Mr. Gabula Ezera and the LCV Chairperson Kaliro Mr. Elijah Kagoda. The LCV Chairperson of Jinja District Mr. Moses Batwala did not form part of the delegation due to personal reasons.
Early last week, the 1st Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for EAC Affairs Rt. Hon Dr. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga flagged off the Regional leaders at the Civil Service College Jinja and encouraged them to route for attracting opportunities geared towards building a strong cottage industry as a solution to Busoga’s weak Rural Economy.
This year’s benchmarking programs for Local Government leaders is a fruit of the enjoyed China Busoga Cooperation initiated as early as November 2016 when the Busoga delegation visited China.