Saturday, July 27News That Matters


Campaigners say Asylum Seeker’s Legal Victory Against Home Office is ‘beacon of hope’

Campaigners say Asylum Seeker’s Legal Victory Against Home Office is ‘beacon of hope’

The court of appeal has found a 27-year-old woman from Uganda, known only as PN, was unlawfully removed from the UK CAMPAIGNERS HAVE described a 27-year-old lesbian asylum seeker’s legal victory against the Home Office as a “beacon of hope” after the court of appeal found that the woman, known only as PN, was unlawfully deported from the UK. PN, who came to the UK from Uganda as a child, was detained in Yarl’s Wood immigration removal centre before being deported in December 2013 under the fast-track system.  Her removal was subsequently ruled unlawful and the high court ordered the Home Office to bring PN back to the UK. After bringing PN back to the UK last year, the Home Office sought to have the high court ruling overturned but on Monday the court of appeal ru...
Why Uganda’s Minister for Ethics Hon. Lokodo lost!

Why Uganda’s Minister for Ethics Hon. Lokodo lost!

Simon Lokodo, Uganda’s Minister of State for Ethics and Integrity who vehemently lobbied for the death penalty for gay sex for years, was unseated Saturday (September 5) and is no longer a member of the Parliament of Uganda. In the heated run-off in Dodoth West in Uganda’s Karenga District, Lokodo was defeated in the ruling party National Resistance Movement primaries by challenger Baatom Ben Koryang, who had previously worked as a District Community Development Officer. Koryang secured a seat in Parliament as an MP with 2,932 vote tally. Lokodo trailed close behind with 2,632. Simon Lokodo once said Uganda is ‘tolerant’ of gay folks because the country doesn’t ‘slaughter them’. Often positioning himself as a Catholic moral crusader who holds a fiery contempt for...